I knew you were there. I knew you were holding my hand. I am so very proud of you. Your girls are so like you! Happy, curious, full of laughs. I would do it all again. I love you. These are the words I hear. If only
Read story →Wellington County
I promise not to let that happen
Yesterday my first grandson was born to my father’s first grandson, a father who had but 7 months to know his first grandson before passing. My son, my first and his brothers never had a grandfather despite several relationships. I promise not to let that happen!
Read story →The threads that weave us together
I was 42, hadn’t talked to my uncle in years. I did not know he was dying… I found myself one night at sunset, walking the beaches we’d visit with him when we were kids, watching the sunset and reading poetry on death and dying. Woke up
Read story →I flew back and forth every month
I remember asking you to move to my home so I could take care of you. You did not wish to, so I flew back and forth every month to be with you. I flew back for your 50th birthday and left New Year’s Day. You died
Read story →Weren’t we lucky
Hey Dad — Weren’t we lucky to be together when you drew your last, laboured breath? I am eternally grateful for all that you did for me; for all that we shared; and for all of the memories I will cherish — until I take my last,
Read story →Not sure if one is harder than the other
Who do I write about? 1) The abrupt death of my husband 20 years ago? Or, 2) What I am going through now with the slow death from dementia of my sister? Both are hard — not sure if one is harder than the other. Not sure
Read story →Gratitude abounds
I cared for my mother in the last 4 months of her life. She learned to Surrender And Become My Baby. It was a privilege to have held her as she took her last breath. Forever changed gratitude abounds.
Read story →How much time do we have?
For me there is a comfort in sadness. There is comfort knowing the end is inevitable for all of us and we all come to the same place. I teared up with the piece missing the person in the photo. It is so simply and cleanly shows
Read story →For years my arms ached and my heart cried
I had never attended the death of my child before. I didn’t always do it right. I didn’t always know what to do. So I did as I had done throughout your life. I sang to you, I stroked your hair, but I didn’t hold you. Moving
Read story →Life is wonderful, live it!
I am grateful to have had two “opportunities” in the last six years to deal with my mortality. I now know that life is short & small, and that to be at all ungrateful for any day is a serious error of judgment. Life is wonderful! Live
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