Creating space to pause, reflect and share experiences with dying and death

Posts Tagged Wellington County

Wellington County

My cousin was in control of her death

My cousin was in control of her death

Just a few short weeks ago my cousin died of ovarian cancer after a very brief illness. I was privileged to be asked to be official witness to her request for assisted death under the new laws. My cousin was in control of her death as she

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How can we learn to grieve

How can we learn to grieve

You were never spoke of — the baby that miscarried, The baby that died in the womb, the child dead at birth. No grief was shown to us — the living children. How can we learn to grieve your passing?

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Forever and ever

Forever and ever

I love you John Forever & ever & ever Forever & ever Again Always I love you Your sister xoxoxo

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How could I have known

How could I have known

Ten years… almost ten years… how could I have known then that your death was your greatest gift to me…freedom to soar, and yet you are with me always, catching me as I fall. And I know you are soaring too… free.

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Be with me always

Be with me always

Last words of love I love you I love you Be with me Always And he continues this promise

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Much gratitude for my dad choosing to come home to die. It was an honour to care for hos body-heart-mind-being, to laugh and cry and finally, to be silent together. Before the silence you pulled yourself from reverie to tell me “It’s beautiful.” Thank you.

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Dying is easy

Dying is easy

I was dead for about 20 minutes, or so they told me later. Dying is easy. Recuperating is hard. Stop smoking. It’s not worth it.  

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All that’s left is grief

All that’s left is grief

I never got to know you. Nor you know me. You died before you were born. All that;s left is the grief I feel for what your life could have been.

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Give mom a kiss

Give mom a kiss

I had to tell my father he was going to die. Hard to do. Painful but 10 days of loving with family and reminding one another about this amazing journey “death”. Laughter and tears took us to places in those hospital filled hours with our father that

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It’s not getting easier

It’s not getting easier

Mom, I miss you. It’s not getting easier. I’m lost. Alone. I need you. Love you forever

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