My Dad who died from colon cancer but who was a constant source of strength and love for his family and a course of humour and grace to all his wonderful caregivers – he was able to remain at home until his final few days and could
Read story →Importance of relationships
He was only given a couple hours to live
Fred was my client for years as I worked in a PSW role – we had a wonderful professional relationship at the LTC facility. As time went on and I studied to be a nurse – I was doing one of my practicums at the local hospital.
Read story →I miss her deeply
My daughter-in-law, Terina, who spent time scrap-booking and writing special letters to her children (13 and 14) to make sure they would remember her as they matured and recall all the wonderful times they had as a family as well as some intimate personal times she shared
Read story →I talk to your dad almost daily
Carter — my nephew who died this spring in Northern Saskatchawan. Seventeen years old. (There just are not the resources there to support grieving families) Carter — I talk to your Dad almost daily. He misses you so much. His pain is palpable. I promise you I will
Read story →I wish I could have said thank you then
I’ve not been doing this long enough to have a practice but Mr. H stuck with me. He was my age and he seemed well. He was sick but he had no reason to die, at least not for years. Then he did. 29 years old, excited
Read story →I told her how much I loved her
30 years ago my aunt Jessie passed away after suffering a terrible fall. I was able to sit with her during the last hour of her life. We were alone. I told her how much I loved her and thanked her for all of her teachings and
Read story →It made me face death early
Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam
Read story →For all the things I could have done that I did not do
Hey Mom, Thank you for the experience I had with you at the end of your life. For all the things I could have done, that I did not do, to help the end of your journey I am sorry. I hope I can have an impact
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