Creating space to pause, reflect and share experiences with dying and death



I feel like a bit of an imposter

I feel like a bit of an imposter

Thank you for sharing this space. I work in palliative care and have (fortunately) not yet lost anyone close to me yet. I feel like a bit of an imposter in my professional life. But I really appreciate the opportunity to learn from others as a way

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A respect for cultural implications

A respect for cultural implications

Our agency is very supportive in encouraging our individuals to have the option to die in their own homes. I have had the opportunity to be a part of several of these experiences. One in particular stands out because the mother following the death of her daughter

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I pause in this moment

I pause in this moment

To all that I have met, loved & nursed & lost. Some journeys have been challenging, some extremely loving, some humbling, some heart tugging, but one thing always comes to mind is they have been all rewarding & a gift to me. So I pause in this

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Remembering is a journey

Remembering is a journey

Being able to be a PSW as well as a Mom of a child who was born “medically fragile” then palliative so young 🙁 I was with him every day of his life… I was holding him & singing to him when he crossed over 🙁 …. I was

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Loving arms & hearts

Loving arms & hearts

To me, sharing in the experience of a person’s death is like being at the birth only we are not the ones receiving this person into our world – we are lovingly sending them into the next to be received by other loving arms & hearts. I

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Her hand held mine

Her hand held mine

You reminded me of my Grandmother, In more ways than you will ever know. As I stood at your bedside, your hand held mine. I watched you take your last breath. As you slipped into a deep sleep, Never to re-awaken. It brought me back to when

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Begging for relief from his pain

Begging for relief from his pain

I was in the hospital about 1998. Every night a young boy cried, he had cancer and wanted his meds. But the nurse wouldn’t give him. He cried every night for 2 hours. Poor boy was begging for relief from his pain. I asked the nurses giving

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It was a gift to become your caregiver

It was a gift to become your caregiver

I was so lucky to have my Dad for the sixty-nine years of my life — Dad — It was a gift to become your caregiver over the last year of your life. It gave my heart time to open across the bumpy borders of our life.

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Much gratitude for my dad choosing to come home to die. It was an honour to care for hos body-heart-mind-being, to laugh and cry and finally, to be silent together. Before the silence you pulled yourself from reverie to tell me “It’s beautiful.” Thank you.

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Gratitude abounds

Gratitude abounds

I cared for my mother in the last 4 months of her life. She learned to Surrender And Become My Baby. It was a privilege to have held her as she took her last breath. Forever changed gratitude abounds.

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