Everything and I will never forget. I miss you. And I will love you always. R.I.P. Mom
Read story →Being foolish in our family pool
My Belgium grandfather being foolish in our family pool, pretending to be a shark and scaring my sister and I.
Read story →We thought he would get better
My mom getting a phone call one evening. Two days later, she is on the plane to China. We thought he would get better, but another two days later my grandpa had passed away.
Read story →I only wish I had taken the opportunity
The nurses in palliative care who paid no mind to official visiting hours as my mom slipped away. I only wish I had taken more advantage of the opportunity.
Read story →I got a phone call
I still remember over 18 years ago when I got a phone call announcing your death. Dear mother I still miss my dearest friend and the best mentor possible. Love you always.
Read story →She had the most infectious laugh
My best friend from childhood, Adrienne. She had the most infectious laugh. Gone too soon, but her laugh lives on in my memory whenever I get carried away laughing at something she would also find funny. I miss you.
Read story →I think about unspoken words
Dad, I miss you… There are so many conversations we should have had. I think about the unspoken words and hope that in some way we shared them. Know that I carry a bit of you with me every day. Love you Dad.
Read story →You’ve left me with a wealth of knowledge
Thank you mom for making me the woman I am today. Your passing was sudden but you’ve left me with a wealth of knowledge of life. I promise to carry on your sense of family and class. You were one of a kind and handled a lot.
Read story →We talk about them as if they were alive
In Jewish Culture when a person passes away we say they live in their descendants. My Bubbie & Zadie past away very close together when I was 9. I’m 22 now. We often forget to light their yahrzeit candles. It has been so long since I visited
Read story →A small fragment of my life
Absence – of emotion. Distance had led to my grandparents being only a small fragment of my life. It seemed unjust.
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