I am so tired. And I realize that I am living well, but not. I have purpose, meaning in my work – but I don’t look after myself in a purpose-full way. I have compassion for those whom it is my privilege to help – but I
Read story →Mourning with the dying
We need to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others. Mourning with the dying on a day to day can create “burn out”. Remember to do something fun to recharge.
Read story →You live in me
“I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be” Michael – Thank you for giving me the strength & courage I need every day. Thank you for reminding me that life is a gift, it is precious and
Read story →Fear of loss
Etched clearly in my heart & mind forever… Walking & supporting my mom through a 4 yr journey with terminal ovarian CA diagnosis. The hope, the fight, the successful & failed treatment Emotional struggles & fear of unknown Fear of loss, What I learned: Be honest, live
Read story →When it is your time, you have to get off
Three years ago, I lost my baby son at the age of 19 ½ years in an accident. I am still grieving but I am thankful that as a mother and family, we gave him the best in life – love, education, travel, language, moral ethical principles
Read story →I can’t thank you enough
Dad, I miss you and love you. I can’t thank you enough for all the gifts you have given. Your special little angel.
Read story →You were so much more to me
They call you a citizen of the world, given up at birth to be raised by staff and strangers. Transients through your life. You suffered gross indignities in a flawed institution system where you were less than others. You were so much more to me. I wish
Read story →This is what I take with me
My father suffered from dementia and most days did not know who I was. The morning he went into the hospital for the final time, he looked at me and said “Good Morning Amanda!” This is what I take with me.
Read story →A natural way to be
Is death like birth? There is a labour to coming into this world, and a labour to leaving… A natural way to be, if only we all could talk about it… Let’s try, let’s do it! Now
Read story →It sits with me
That in their final hours with their father, this family, this son, was not able to rise above the strange family dysfunction to be there for his Dad, and primarily for himself. It sits with me. I tried to facilitate it for him so he wouldn’t carry
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