Creating space to pause, reflect and share experiences with dying and death


The phrase is simple

The phrase is simple

The phrase is simple and the words are few, but behind them is a whole lot of appreciation. The Gedeon family (Margaret Gedeon)  

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Mom had a full long life

Mom had a full long life

Thank you all for your care and the pleasant manner in which you handle all situations. You go above and beyond and I will miss our little chats. Mom had a full long life raising four children. She was a good, decent person who always tried to

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Covid sucks and has ruined so many things

Covid sucks and has ruined so many things

Covid sucks and has ruined so many things

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It has been quite a journey for sure!

It has been quite a journey for sure!

It has been quite a journey for sure!!! Some would say a roller coaster ride. No regrets!!! Would do it again. Thank you all for the years we spend working TOGETHER!!!

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It feels like this will not end

It feels like this will not end

It feels like this will not end. It’s sad the way the world is and has been. We are tired, burned out, sad, sick of hearing and dealing with Covid!!

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Seeing people loose their loved ones puts life into perspective

Seeing people loose their loved ones puts life into perspective

Even though it may seem like we lost out on so many experiences I am greatful for the unique time I have spent with my family! I love and appreciate them even more through this experience. Seeing people loose their loved ones puts life into perspective. <3

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Covid has taught me

Covid has taught me

Covid has taught me that we don’t always need to be ”busy” doing things.. I find much more joy in staying home now & appreciating the time with family <3

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Not a day goes by

Not a day goes by

Mom I know you were in pain and missed my dad and we were not there for you when you needed us- not a day goes by since you left us suddenly that summer day- that I don’t think of you and wish you would how beautiful

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Home ain’t home anymore, dad

Home ain’t home anymore, dad

It was 25th Feb around 9 PM where me,my brother and dad were staying in a neurology rehabilitation home,actually it was my turn to stay that night. We got discharge two days back from Apollo Hospitals,Ghy and shifted here,while that particular night we brought him back from

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My spirit has been honoured and emboldened by death’s lessons

My spirit has been honoured and emboldened by death’s lessons

People often look at me with horror when I tell them my story, share with them my experiences of death and dying, and I suppose that, objectively speaking, by the time I was sixty I had had perhaps more than what might be considered my share of

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