I am grateful for this place because they kept us safe from Covid-19
Read story →She is in peace now
We are very grateful for the love, support and caring for our mom here. You gave her a safe home away-from-home for the final month. She is in peace now, and we can be at peace knowing she had a very full life. Don and Una Wright (Shirley
Read story →I’d like
I’d like to see my friends more often. I miss seeing them and spending time with them. Maureen
Read story →It’s been lonely
For the pandemic, I was mainly inside like many others and was fortunate to be vaccinated pretty early. Mainly it’s been lonely which has been the most difficult part.
Read story →But what is grief, if not love persevering?
” But what is grief, if not LOVE persevering?’ <3 My grief is tremendous, but my love is bigger. I am so very lucky to have had someone who’s made saying ”goodbye” so hard. [drawings of 14 small hearts and 1 big heart]
Read story →I’m so happy to see you
I love you GreatGran I’m so happy to see you. [drawings of hearts and stars] Love you! GreatGran, have and always have a great day! Love you! [drawings of a rainbow with stars and a smiley face]
Read story →I love you so much
Gran, I love you so much. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories we’ve shared together. You are such an amazing person and have always been the best grand mother! xoxo
Read story →As I sit with you and you slip into your dreams, I know you are content
As I sit with you and you slip into your dreams, I know you are content. Once you were asked the secret to living a long and happy life. ” The secret,” you answered, ‘is not to be greedy. Be content with what you have- but yet
Read story →It is a blessing that can be easily overlooked
I am grateful to be an able-bodied person who can contribute to the care of others. It is a blessing that can be easily overlooked.
Read story →I have come to understand the circle of life
Working here, I have come to understand the circle of life- unfortunately Covid sped that circle up for many of our residents. The large loss of life has been tough to experience for me &; all staff. The feeling of hopelessness &; helplessness is horrible. My hope
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