Creating space to pause, reflect and share experiences with dying and death

Posts Tagged Ottawa


I did tell you I loved you

I did tell you I loved you

Mom, I never got to say good-bye, safe journey before you died… but I did tell you I loved you! I left & came here to the conference. I never expected you to die that weekend. I should have “known” but you & God had other plans.

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Still my heart aches

Still my heart aches

Dearest “Lambbone”: It’s been 10+ years since your untimely death & still my heart aches. Your journey as a clown doctor in palliative care gave me the strength to do this work. You passed on a gift to your big sis! I thank you for opening this

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All my work I do in your honor

All my work I do in your honor

Grandpa, I wish you could see me now! All I have accomplished and how happy I am! I know you are with me when the birds come to the feeder. I wish so many days I could hear you say how proud you are of me. All

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To have a positive impact on others

To have a positive impact on others

My mother died suddenly in 2001. I was only 22 at the time. She never got to see me get married, have children, graduate university, start a career. It, her death, has certainly impacted my life’s path. Wanting to embrace the time we have with no regrets.

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We all sat with you

We all sat with you

Dylan, You would think it’s really cheesy that I’m writing this, but here I go. When we all sat with you in the hospital and then the palliative unit, our concern was only that you weren’t in pain and that you weren’t frightened. We never questioned whether

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I just wish I knew

I just wish I knew

I just wish I knew then that I know now when my grandmother was dying 20 years ago.

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It’s not the telling

It’s not the telling

More and more I wish that practitioners would give patients and families the gift of time by having the discussion with them that they are dying. This breaks my heart each time families “just found out” their loved on was dying, and it is an emotional turmoil

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I’m not ready for this

I’m not ready for this

Individual to caregiver – (2 days before death) “We have had some nice times together” Caregiver – “I’m not ready for this.” Individual – “It will be sad and then you will be fine.” Caregiver – “I don’t want you to go” Individual – “I won’t be

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I will never forget you

I will never forget you

I remember you, Ashton. I will never forget you. I will love you forever.

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I imagine what you could look like

I imagine what you could look like

Fifteen years has passed since you left us, too young, too soon. You were only three months old. Every time I meet a beautiful 15 year old teen, I imagine what you could look like, how you would have been a great sister to your three brothers.

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