Creating space to pause, reflect and share experiences with dying and death



I did tell you I loved you

I did tell you I loved you

Mom, I never got to say good-bye, safe journey before you died… but I did tell you I loved you! I left & came here to the conference. I never expected you to die that weekend. I should have “known” but you & God had other plans.

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Surrounded by his children

Surrounded by his children

I am grateful to the staff that were there when my father in law was palliative. He had the opportunity to be surrounded by his children when he took his last breath. He had the opportunity to meet all family and friends that meant a great deal

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I will forever cherish the memories

I will forever cherish the memories

To my Grandpa, I am so proud to be your grand-daughter, You have made such an impact in the Education world and groomed sons and daughter who have continued your legacy and making an impact to cities/communities/industry. Your passing at 103 was truly a celebration of life,

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I will always be thankful

I will always be thankful

I am grateful to be able to see and talk to my grandfather before he passed away. I was the last member of the family who was actually there with him when he took his last breath. Growing up, I had spent a lot of weekends with

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His last days were calm

His last days were calm

All my thanks! My father was well looked after for 5 months in the McNally Hospice in Grimsby. It was the best decision we as a family made. His last days were calm and he was comfortable. He was able to have an early “5 am” breakfast

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I continually think of lessons they have taught me

I continually think of lessons they have taught me

My Grandparents- they would often speak about times when they will be gone- but I continually think of lessons they have taught me to become the person I am. Very greatful to have had them part of my life.

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What an honour it was to hold your hand

What an honour it was to hold your hand

Mom, You brought me into this world. What an honour it was to hold your hand and exchange care giver roles as you allowed me to hold you as you left this world. I reflect on that time as the most sincere and loving between is- forever

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I have never grieved the death of my best friends

I have never grieved the death of my best friends

I have never grieved the death of my best friends; the Reflection Room makes/moves me into solitude – being one with the Lord. In a short moment, I want to say thank you to my friends Noel who died of lung cancer at 33 and Sr. Ruth

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I will continue to practice it in silence

I will continue to practice it in silence

Are very easy to talk to someone about it. Therefore, I will continue to practice it in silence. Thank you.

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You were always happy

You were always happy

To my friend Wheslay, Thank you for letting me visit you at Hospice Care. You were always happy, joyful and wise for a young man! I’m happy for you that your last few months in this world were fun, and full of life-enriching experiences. (at Chinook Hospice)

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