Creating space to pause, reflect and share experiences with dying and death



Is this it?

Is this it?

He looked at me and asked “Is this it?” I looked at him, my eyes dewy with compassion and took his hand saying “It very well could be.” He squeezed my hand, struggling to breath he said “I just want you to know it have been my

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I didn’t fully understand

I didn’t fully understand

Being present/but not present at the same time when my dad was actively dying. I didn’t fully understand as a daughter or a new nurse. Year later, palliative care is my focus so I can hopefully help others understand what is happening and feel supported.

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A lovely note arrived from his widow

A lovely note arrived from his widow

In June 2013 my mother passed away, I was homeless for 8 days as a result of a devastating flood and I provided medical care to a 36-year old physician colleague. He was weeks from completing his surgical residency training and starting a long-awaited Fellowship in the

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I was able to just be there with them

I was able to just be there with them

I had a patient on our palliative care unit who was completely comfortable and it was the last few minutes of her life. It was late at night and just me and her daughter there. My “medical” nursing role was done and I was able to just

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I was in awe of this family

I was in awe of this family

Sitting with a family as they sat around the bed of their mom/wife/sister/grandmother/aunt. I was in awe of this family — all present and yet so scared, sad and angry. I could feel their love for my patient and yet so much stress in the room. I

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I tasted the sacred dimension of time

I tasted the sacred dimension of time

Le fait d’avoir accompagné ma mère dans sa fin de vie, et ce, pendant plusieurs mois, a marqué deprintivement ma pratique clincique, goitant las dimension sacrée du temps de l’space et de la presénce… The fact of having accompanied my mother during her end of life journey

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Each person graced me with the honour

Each person graced me with the honour

All the clients I have cared for in their final months, days and hours! I remember every client who I had the privilege of caring for at the end of their life. Some I was along with, holding their hand, some had family and loved ones present

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His mother came to see me

His mother came to see me

In an acute care setting, I took care of a young male client. Throughout his week with us, I supported his mother during this ordeal. When he passed away one week later, I wasn’t working. I attended the funeral for my grieving process. One year later, on

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I was playing on the floor with a sick child

I was playing on the floor with a sick child

Arriving on my interview day 5 years ago at the lighthouse and on arrival a young girl ask me to lie on the floor to play a game. That precious moment of putting aside my interview manners of having to act a certain way was put aside

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Duke was brought into her room

Duke was brought into her room

She died in the presence of “Duke” — the bird that she ensured was “tucked in” before she goes to bed every night. This is what “End of Life” care is about. As one of our residents is dying, “Duke” was brought into her room and stayed

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