Creating space to pause, reflect and share experiences with dying and death


Thank you

Thank you

The Lord will grant you what you’re heart desires more than you are expecting. Prayers granted. Thank you    

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I don’t even know where to start

I don’t even know where to start

Mama, I don’t even know where to start but I’ll start here. I continue to miss you and sometimes my grief takes me to a rollercoaster of emotions. I allow myself to be vulnerable and scared to stay there especially in moments where life is challenging and

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One good thing

One good thing

One good thing that come out of this was getting closer to family members + staff.

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Things lost..things gained

Things lost..things gained

Things lost: – Time with loved ones – Peace of mind – Hope (for a while) Things gained: – Deeper, richer relationships with co-workers

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Love you my Closed ones

Love you my Closed ones

God should give chance to meet or have a special person always with us for a whole life together. Parents or close friends. Love you My Closed ones.

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No matter how hard things are..

No matter how hard things are..

No matter how hard things are ‘GOD’ has some thing good for you

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Sudden death has thought me

Sudden death has thought me

Sudden death has thought me to always do the right things because I do not know when it will come.

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Things were better when you were here….

Things were better when you were here….

Things were better when you were here….  

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Losing a bunch of residents so quickly was heart breaking + hard

Losing a bunch of residents so quickly was heart breaking + hard

Losing a bunch of residents so quickly was heart breaking + hard. However, being there for the ones who remaind became even more important.

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Live life as a happy person :)

Live life as a happy person :)

Find out way!! Live life as a happy person 🙂    

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